About company

POLAM–ELTA started its business activity in 1989 with its location in Warsaw. The company was established after transforming the Optoelectronics Department of the Róża Luksemburg Factory of Electronic Lamps from which we have adopted experience and production technology of light-emitting diodes.

We are the only producer of LED diodes and LED control lamps in Poland. In our offer we provide over 200 types of LED diodes with diameters ranging 4-20 mm and over 100 types of LED lamps with supply voltage of 3-400 volts.
Our priority in business is to obtain the best and highest parameters of LED diodes rather than gain their lowest prices as we do not focus on competing with cheap products coming from southeast Asia. That is why, parameters of our diodes (particularly luminosity) often exceed the equivalents of diodes coming from the Asian markets. The same applies to LED lamps. It happens many times that luminosity of our LED diodes and LED lamps is 30 times greater, which has been proven by our measurements.
Additionally, we specialize in manufacturing nonstandard LED diodes that quite rarely appear in the offers of our competitors from the East. The orders of nonstandard diodes are adjusted to manufacturing possibilities of our company.
Unicoloured diodes are available in all possible colours of lighting while multicoloured diodes available in all possible colour configurations.
For diodes production we use local and foreign components of high quality.
Separate values of our diodes parameters are acquired by means of measurements completed with specialist devices.
The luminosity values given in the charts are the minimal values we can guarantee, in practice they can diverse only to their advantage.


The important documents of our company: